4ROCKS: Reduce Effort, Drive Loyalty, Transform the Customer Journey.

Make your customer’s journey easy and earn
customer loyalty!

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Rocky Customer Experiences Cause Customer Disloyalty!

Gone are the days when the products or services you sell let you off the hook for allowing bad customer experiences to happen. Salesforce states that 80% of customers say that the experience they have with your company is as important as what you sell. New technology and multiplying contact channels intended to help can, instead, make customer experiences hard. Research shows that if something is hard to do for a customer, they are four to five times more likely to be disloyal and head to your competitors.

If high effort drives customers away, then it is important to take a close look at your customers’ journey experience. In 4ROCKS, Sean Albertson, a customer experience practitioner and sought-after thought leader for over twenty years, shows you how to align your people, processes, and platforms to focus on the most important customer experiences. He shares a proven strategy to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty (retention) by transforming your customers' journeys from hard to easy.

Sean’s ROCKS Strategy is a step-by-step process for identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing the most important experiences you need to focus on for your business. Learnings include:

• Common sources of customer challenges and methods to avoid them.
• Ways to engage your employees and align them for best results.
• Processes that will expedite your research and results.
• Platform strategies to drive value from your data and technology.
• Best practices for addressing the challenges you find.

If you are in a role at your company that provides customer support, develops products, or deals with digital capabilities, you need to read this book. Actually, if you work for a company at all, you need to read this book. Everyone at your company impacts the experiences your customers have with your brand. The ROCKS Strategy can enable any department in a company to be the champion for change and the advocate for your customers, keeping them satisfied and loyal.

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"Donec at ullamcorper leo. Donec facilisis lobortis neque at feugiat. Aenean nec bibendum tortor, at euismod felis. Praesent porta velit non velit mattis, eu condimentum nisl sagittis. Vivamus faucibus nunc et commodo commodo. Suspendisse faucibus risus sapien, sit amet vulputate odio laoreet blandit."

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